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AVGS Gründungscoaching Berlin & Online Viara Ivanova



bulgarisch, englisch, russisch

Kreativität, Nachhaltigkeit, Work-Life-Family

Wie bist Du zum Coaching gekommen?

For the last 4 years I was part of a worldwide network of executive coaches (more than 250 people from 60 countries) and followed the professional code of ethics and standards of the International Coach Federation.

Seit wann arbeitest Du als Coach?

For the last 4 years I was part of a worldwide network of executive coaches (more than 250 people from 60 countries) and followed the professional code of ethics and standards of the International Coach Federation.

Was macht Dir besonders viel Spaß in Deinem Job?

To help people find the most valuable answers to their business and personal challenges in a holistic and systematic way.

Worauf können sich Deine Coachees bzw. Klienten bei Dir freuen?

I am highly empathetic person and great listener who has a strong preference to numbers and analytics. I will challenge the perspective of to-be entrepreneurs with profound & holistic questions to form a 360-degree coherent picture of their business initiative. The clients will experience a transparent, reliable, and highly respectful coaching process and benefit from my network to tap further resources when needed.

Was sind Deine Schwerpunkte im Coaching?

  • Business model & pricing optimization 
  • Growth and scaling strategies 
  • Lean Startup Financial planning & Funding  
  • Building a high-performing team  
  • Company’s  vision and mission 
  • Personal growth strategies - habits, boundaries, and mindsets that will give the confidence and accountability to grow oneself. 

Welche Methoden haben sich in Deiner Coaching Praxis bewährt?

  • Business Model Canvas, Go-to-Market Canvas
  • Design Thinking
  • Cashflow Simulation and Modelling
  • Porter’s Five Forces, various leadership models for personal & team growth. 

Was mich sonst noch interessiert:

  • I am a life-long learner with a genuine interest of making the world a better place.

  • I recharge by spending time in nature and exploring different cuisines.

Wo ich coache:

  • Berlin-Weißensee

  • Online

Wie ich qualifiziert bin:

  • 15 years experience of analyzing business models of companies of various sizes and industries

  • Certified Financial Analyst (CFA Institute)

  • MBA at ESMT Berlin

Wie ich ausgebildet bin:

  • Master in Finance

  • Master in Business Administration with focus on Sustainability and Innovation